Part 101: Why don't we take the chance to have a nice chat?

This is...


It's...It's okay. It's...enough.

I was always...just a broken puppet...

I can never go back to being human...



Thank you...Goodbye, Estelle...


Wow, what a scream! Are you okay, Estelle?


Oh, good...Just a dream.

Heehee! Did you have a scaaary nightmare?

Yeah, a total nightmare. Now that freaky doll is even showing up in my dreams, I mean--

Renne, what are YOU doing here?!

Heeheehee! I was wondering when you were going to act all surprised. You're so laid back, Estelle! I love that about you.

Yeah, well, forgive me for not being on the ball right after waking up.

Anyway, where...?

It's not so odd for me to be here, you know.

We're actually at our brand new base.

New base?

Mmm-hmm. Look out the window.

Uh, okay...
Ohh so THIS is the Glorious!


Welcome aboard the Crimson Ark, the Glorious! This ship could beat up an entire army!

Don't you think this is the best toy ever?

Y-You...You people...What are you planning on doing with something like THIS?
Man's Voice: Ahhh, our guest has finally awoken.
Man's Voice: Welcome aboard, Estelle. I trust your nap was restful? I'm sure you're quite out of sorts, being brought aboard with no fanfare. Fear not. We haven't brought you here to cause you any harm. Far from it, in fact. You're free to relax here.

Man's Voice: Why don't we take the chance to have a nice chat? About the society, about our goals, and about our common friends. I think I can answer many of your questions.

...Fine. Not like I have much of a choice. Let's hear it.
Man's Voice: Excellent! I'll be waiting. Renne, be a darling and show Estelle the way up here, would you?

Sure, okay!

Come on, Estelle! Let's go to the Sanctuary.


It's a really pretty room on the top deck of this ship. The professor's waiting for us there.


All right. Show me the way.

Awww, you don't need to be so serious. I think you'll really like what we have to say.

Huh? What do you mean?

You'll just have to find out!

Anyway, follow me! C'mon, c'mon!

We need to use the elevator on the opposite side of the hallway.
Found a scrap of paper with a Knockout Meatball recipe on it.

[Attack/STR 900/Inflicts Faint 100%]
A chili-packed ball of meat. One bite and lights out.
Voice: Please provide voice identification.

Enforcer No. XV, Renne. Codename: Angel of Slaughter. Destination, Sanctuary.
Voice: Access granted. Welcome, Enforcer Renne.

The professor should be just inside.

Hey, Renne.

What is it?

Were you the one controlling that Joshua puppet in the base?

Uh huh, that's right!

The professor asked me to! Neat, huh?


So you're a victim of the society, too...


Never mind.

Well, here I go.

See you later!

Go on, the professor's waiting!
-Etude of the Ruin-
-Gospel Project-

I'd finally remembered when I heard your voice a minute ago.

Cassius Bright's daughter continues to impress.

The seal on your memory wasn't particularly strong, but throwing it off on your own is still worth some manner of praise.


I am one of the Anguis, supervisors of the society.

An 'Anguis'? So you're, like, one of the high commanders of the society?

Mmm. Something like that.

Now, as I said before, I am completely prepared to answer any questions you may have. What would you like to ask first?


Honestly, there's so much to ask, I'm not even sure where to start.

You needn't fret. Take your time thinking things over. If it pleases you, I could play a relaxing etude while you collect your thoughts?
I don't have to sit here and take your 'tude, buster brown.

Yeeeah, I think I'll pass.

You know, you didn't strike me as someone who'd be into that sort of thing. Well, whatever. Here's a question for you: was the whole 'poor archaeologist' thing a total act, or what?

Haha. Putting the poverty aside, I actually am an archaeologist.

And as an aside, I picked up the pipe organ during my time with the church. I may not be that Erebonian you spend so much time with, but I daresay I'm decent, wouldn't you?

Hang on, the church? Like the Septian...?

I was something of an academic priest.

A chance meeting with the Grandmaster led to me discarding the path of faith. My knowledge of artifacts, paltry as it is, still proves useful from time to time, thankfully.

With our current plan, in particular.

...The one who tempted Colonel Richard into starting the coup...And the one who arranged all the Gospel experiments...It was you.

It certainly was.

And it was all for the sake of our cause.

Your 'Gospel Plan'? I saw something in the research facility about that. Your plan is to take the Aureole, isn't it?

...'Take' the Aureole? That's not entirely accurate...

...but, for the purposes of this conversation, it will suffice. Yes.

What IS the Aureole, anyway? Why do you want it so bad?! I know it's said to be one of the treasures of Aidios, but just what is it?!

Ah, for the moment, I must keep the exact nature of the Aureole a secret. I would, after all, so hate to spoil the surprise.

The surprise. Right. Thanks.

Our plan has moved into its third phase. Very, very soon now, its true nature will be plain to see.

Haha...I can barely contain my anticipation.


And once the Aureole has shown itself...

Then...Then we will see the potential of mankind unfurl before our eyes.

The 'potential of mankind'...Ragnard said something about that, too.

Oh? The holy beast was willing to bestow his wisdom upon you?

Perhaps you ARE doing more than simply living in your father's shadow.

Spare me the flattery.

And what the hell? I keep asking you things and you keep dodging the answers.

Do forgive me. It wasn't my intention to be so evasive.

I can, however, easily answer the question I know you want to ask most.


What keeps you from asking it? Don't be afraid. Muster your courage and ask it of me.

...Joshua...Where's Joshua?

Hm...His exact location is currently unknown to me. From what I've observed, he's up to something with those Sky Bandits. Their movements have proven to be quite elusive.

Though he is alive and well, I can assure you.


Joshua's specialties are covert operations and guerrilla warfare. I was the one who tuned him to excel at such, but he has long since surpassed even my greatest expectations.

Heh...I gleefully await seeing the height of his potential.


Come now, you needn't look so angry.

When Joshua was entrusted to my care, his heart was akin to a glass ornament dashed against a paving stone. He was my first attempt at rebuilding such a shattered soul.

Is it not natural, you think, for an academic to be curious about the result of his work?

...What did you tell Joshua on the day of the queen's birthday celebrations?

I merely removed the block on his memory and told him the truth.

That he, once taken into your home, had unwittingly been acting as a spy and sending guild information to the society. That Richard's coup succeeded in its own right because of him. And finally that, thanks to his efforts, the ground was at last fertile for our plan.

I even rewarded him! I formally released him from his obligations to the society.

...I finally get it...Why Joshua...that night...Why he disappeared...Why he said goodbye with that look on his face.

Mmm, yes, I must say I did find that regrettable. To think Joshua would abandon you so coldly after regaining himself!

I recommended he just pretend he knew nothing of it and continue his life with you, but alas.

I suppose my generosity backfired, no?

I'm amazed...I'm amazed you can even say that. You were the one who chased Joshua into a corner in the first place. He didn't have a choice!

So he had look like that...and give his harmonica to me...And say...'Goodbye, Estelle'...

Loewe...The hell did you come from...?

I was here from the start.

You simply didn't bother to notice.
Man's Voice: Tsk tsk! What an undignified performance.

You performed so well in completing my challenges, too. Did I not teach you to think before you act?
If by 'think,' you mean 'rub my face on every accessible surface until I hit paydirt,' then sure.

C'mon, give her some credit. It takes balls to pick a fight with him.

Agreed. Regardless of her skills, her courage certainly is impressive.

Though I wonder if we should call it courage or mere foolishness.

Young Man's Voice: Haha. So you're the Divine Blade's daughter?

Nice to meet you! ♥

Another one...?
Girl's Voice: Stop it, guys, you're scaring Estelle!

You don't need to worry, Estelle.

I know what I said last time, but we aren't here to hurt you or anything. Promise!


Why not ask Estelle right now?

Well, now is as good a time as any.

How about it, Estelle? Would you like to join Ouroboros?


I'm sorry. I misheard that.

Would you say that one more time?

I asked if you would like to join the Society of Ouroboros.

You wouldn't become a full-fledged Enforcer right away, of course. You would be more a candidate for the position.


Come now. It's hardly the leap of logic you're thinking. Joshua has been rather stubborn about returning, but with you here, he would undoubtedly come back to us--and to you.

Oh. Um...Um...

Estelle, you wanna see Joshua again more than anything, right? If you join us, that'll come true right away!

What's there to even think about?


Now, Renne. Estelle might need some time to weigh her options.

We will be departing the ship for a little while on business, Estelle. You may give us your answer when we return.

And I do apologize for this, but your options must remain fairly limited during your stay. Feel free to request anything you need, but you'll be staying in your cabin.